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About Global Green Kids

Welcome to the Global Green Kids!
Global Green Kids is a new international project of Radijojo World Children’s Media Network. It is dedicated to the Environment, Nature, Sustainability and fair globalization.

And you are invited you to join in: With your own story, report, poem, song. Share your audios, videos, drawings with your ideas and actions for – a better future for all, across the globe! (Learn more about the “how” in the next days).

Global Green Kids is open for all schools, children’s media groups, kids environmental initiatives, community radios, families, civil society media centres –  worldwide, anytime until the end of 2015 and hopefully beyond.

All content that we produce, collect and share is available as Open Educational Resource, according to UNESCO standards. It’s all non-commercial, advertising-free, made by kids for kids.Global Green Kids is a project in the context of the UNESCO Decade “Learning for Sustainability”.

It is a contribution of children, youth, parents, activists and educators worldwide to the fulfillment of the UN Millennium Goals “Environmental Sustainability”, “Universal Education” and “Global Partnership”.

What is it about? Nothing short of the future of the planet. It sounds strange, but it’s true.
For a period of ten years, (therefore a “decade”), from 2005 until 2014, millions of people around the world will have been working together for the “Education for Sustainable Development” goals.
Children, parents, schools, environmental groups and many others are participating under the UNESCO’s direction.

What is “Education for Sustainable Education” anyway? We asked the UNESCO:
The Basics on Education for Sustainable Development:
- Education for Sustainable Development provides children, adolescents and adults sustainable thinking and action. They put people in decision-making positions for the future and assess the impact of one’s own actions on future generations or how it impacts life in other world regions.
- Constructive expertise is the ability to apply knowledge about sustainable development and to be able to identify unsustainable development. They include the following capacities:
*interdisciplinary knowledge
*autonomous action
*participation in social decision-making.

Now we know a little bit more on the subject of UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development.
But we still have one question: Where in the world did the word “sustainability” come from? This is quite an old term which forest rangers employed over 200 years ago so when it came to their forests; if you chop down a tree – then ….? Yep, then plant a new one! These forests are still existant even to this day. Spot on, this is called “sustainable” – and people have actually known about this for quite some time. And yet they think it is not enough: forests are being cut down around the world at alarming rates. We all still generate too much garbage. We are all still living with very high living standards in rich countries at the expense of the poor countries….

Would you like them to change something? Would you like to work for sustainable development?

Yo, you’re right here, because that is why BNE is here!

Here is how you can join in!

You’ll find more on the ‘Education for Sustainable Development website. There, you will also find hundreds of great examples where you can follow.

Global Green Kids is funded by the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU) and the city of Berlin (Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, LEZ).


We would like to thank all partners, contributors, volunteers and friends of the Global Green Kids:

Radijojo gGmbH

Radijojo e.V.

Roma Youth Radio Brno / Czech Republic

Gyermekmedia Budapest / Hungaria

Radio Mittendrin Poland

FEZ Berlin, Europe’s largest non-commercial centre for children,youth and families

Municipality of Berlin-Mitte

Albert-Gutzmann-Grundschule Berlin

Media Education Centre Belgrade / Serbia

Roots & Shoots Germany

Radiofüchse Hamburg

Pachamama Spain & Latin America

Haus der Jugend Berlin-Mitte

Joakim (6 years), Kigali / Ruanda

Mimai (9 years) Berlin / Germany

Nucleo Animazul and Ariane Pineiro, Vitoria / Brazil

Chair El Hamra Middle School, Marrakech/Morocco

Medvedskoe High School and Lilia Sazonova, Mary El / Russia




‘Global Green Kids’ ist ein Projekt des Radijojo World Children’s Media Network

Projektleiterin/ Ansprechpartnerin:
Nicole Wilden

Projektassistent/ Technischer Leiter:
Mirco Reimer

Konzeption/ redaktionelle Verantwortung:
Thomas Röhlinger

Email: greenkids[at]radijojo.org

Träger der freien Jugendhilfe

Haus der Jugend
Reinickendorfer Str. 55
13347 Berlin

Haus B
Pankstr. 70
13357 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (0)30 – 46 60 84 05
Fax: +49 (0)30 – 46 60 84 06

Die hier erstellten Inhalte werden von Kindern und Jugendlichen für Kinder und Jugendliche zum  ausschließlich nicht kommerziellen Gebrauch erstellt.
Die hier öffentlichen Meinungen entsprechen nicht notwendig den Ansichten der Redaktion.
Die erstellten Beiträge sind ‘Open Educational Resources’ und im Sinne der UNESCO verwendbar.
Bei vesehentlichen Verstößen gegen ‘Creative Commons’- Richtlinien bitten wir darum, uns zu informieren. Wir werden die entsprechenden Inhalte umgehend entfernen.





Here is a collection of the wonderful and almost incredible feedback we receive, from Morocco and all over the world:


Jane Goodall Institute Deutschland:

Danke an unsere Freunde von Radijojo World Childrens Radio & Media Networks für ihre Root and Shoots Initiativen zum heutigen Tag aus Marokko, Berlin und Austin/Texas!!
Ihr seid fantastische Netzwerker und Friedensarbeiter durch eure Arbeit, jeden Tag, überall…

(Many thanks to Radijojo for its Roots and Shoots Initiatives for Peace Day in Morocco, Berlin and Austin! You are fantastic networkers and peace workers, every day, everywhere..)


Jeremy Gilley, Founder Peace One Day: 

Dear Friend, today is Peace Day! I wanted to send you this message to say thank you for all your hard work over the last few months, and for being a part of today’s inspiring celebration of peace: Peace Day 2013. Without you none of this would have been possible. Today, the message of Peace Day is set to reach 600 million people across the globe. That’s an incredible achievement, and it’s all down to your effort and dedication.Who are you making peace with today? Whoever it is that you’re reconciling yourself with, and wherever you are in the world, thank you for joining us in making today, Peace Day, an historic day; here’s to you all, and here’s to peace!


Hanan and Soad, Asni middle school 

It was such a pleasure and and honour to have you in our school. Through the workshop we learned many things such as how to value our wonderful culture. So thank you very much for your tremendous help and support.

I want to thank the organisation of Radijojo. And we would be happy to have you among us another time. Everyone here has enjoyed our workshop and insight into appreciating other cultures and we hope you like our school.


Kyriaki Derieux, PhD Candidate, London School of Economics, Anthropology + History + Art…

Beautiful art and so thoughtful messages from the future diplomats of this world! Well Done! I believe in children and their innate ability towards ‘goodness’. I want to encourage them to be proud of themselves and their accomplishments.Thomas, superb job! The Children’s Peace Council is an engaging multi-activities celebration! ‘Liberty’ is beautifully sang and the solos at the end gracefully performed. Oumaima, couldn’t choose a better essay topic- on the mark, on ‘Child Labour’. Maybe Yasser and his friend, could translate their stories about Essaouira and share them widely. Also, from my point of view, Maissae’s essay on tolerance in Essaouira &universal values-harmonious co-existence of Christian,Jewish&Muslim cultures- should serve as example to many policymakers in the world.

With Very best wishes to everyone


Foziya, teacher Sitti fatma school:
I would like to thank you for this fantastic initiative, because we really need such activity in our school,  specially in this rural area, also the kids needs to know more about the other cultures.


Hanan Dahami, Sitti fatma school:
Thank you so much Radijojo for this cultural program, we really need such activity and we really want our kids to be more opened on the other cultures, and communicate with the other children around  the world and share their knowledge  , we really benefited a lot from this program. Thank you so much, and I hope you  come back here again,


Mostafa, Association of Amal Sitti fatma of culture and developement:
I would like to thank you  all, because what you have done is really helpfull for our children especially because it is the first time they learn about those things , Thank you so much.


Rachid, president of parenthood association, Sitti Fatma:
This initiative made the children speak their minds, and helped them to gain self confident to make thieir voice heard, they spoke about peace, their village and their traditions and share it with the other children around the world, Thank you.


Student from Sitti Fatma school:
Thank you sooo much for every things you have done with as, we really benefited a lot, and the most thing I liked is when we present our traditional weeding ceremony


Redouan, Sitti Fatma school
I liked all the activities  specially when we talked about our village and  our traditions, we want you to come back again; thank you Radijojo.
I like when we did  the reportage about our village;


Soufian, student Sitti Fatma:
I liked all the activities; about Sitti Fatma, the symbol of peace; and the drawings also when we talked about the berber lions because we learned many things for the first time even about our village, Thank you, hope to see you again


Stéphanie Durand,  UN Alliance of Civilizations, New York

“Thank you very much for this message and the warm word from the kids of the public school that mean a lot to our projects. It is nice to see the hope and level of commitment these kids demonstrate.”

Mirta Lourenço, Chief of Section, Communication and Information Sector (CI), UNESCO 

Dear students of Chair El Hamra Middle School,

I would like to congratulate you on your creative and spirited celebrations for World Radio Day.

We have enjoyed listening to “the voices of Morocco’s future” — your radio reports and seeing the photos and drawings from the workshop.

At UNESCO, we encourage everyone to celebrate radio as a way to promote freedom of expression, to build bridges between communities and to create a more peaceful and inclusive future for all.

Radio is a wonderful medium that helps youth to connect with one another, to share their ideas and to express themselves.

Now, more than ever, it is important to give young people a voice on the airwaves, since young people are the majority of the world’s population.

There are more than seven billion people in the world and over half of them are under 30 years old. The ideas and opinions of youth today are essential to shaping the world of tomorrow.

Let’s celebrate World Radio Day every day!


German Commission for UNESCO-Team

Congratulations on your lively blog! Your creativity is truly inspiring. Keep up your great work. All the best, your German Commission for UNESCO-Team

Thank you! And bravo to the students of El Hamra Middle School. Their words are wise beyond their years given that they already know environmental sustainability is our common responsibility and its future depends on what we decide to do. Very happy to hear from the students and hope that they will continue on this path! 


Zehra Aydin, United Nations Development Programme

Well done! Congratulations! Your work is very important keep on ensuring that your voice is heard!


Firdoze Bulbulia (Chairperson, CBFA) President CIFEJ,  Chairperson of the 5th World Summit on Media for Children

Dear students in Morocco!

Thank you so much for sharing your work. I hope your demands, voices, photos and drawings will travel the world, far beyond the UNECO Youth conference. It is  so important that you voice up and hopefully  others will listen. Freedom of expression, dialogue and diversity are so important for  our common future- and you are a part of that dialogue.

Best regards


 MARIA EDSTRÖM Ph D, Scientific coordinator

NORDICOM Nordic Knowledge Center on Media and Communication Research

Gothenburg, SWEDEN

Tu fais du bon travail (…) bonne continuation


Jeannette Gbagbo Gnorou, Radio Paix Sanwi, Ivory Coast/ AMARC Africa
„Radijojo is a wonderful investment for all the children around the world, is a way to give them their rights as a human being . So thank you guys for giving me the chance for being a part of all that amazing world. I wish if I can do more than just saying words because being a child is good but having your right’s such as: freedom parents ,clothes ,education …..that’s what our god ask us to be…So allow me to thank you again for your efforts,may god helps and bless you guys :)“ Loubna bk


Meryem, Chair El Hamra Middle School Marrakech 

“Est moi aussi j’aime etre une journaliste a radijojo comme vous”

I am very happy because you _ _ and given us information we did not know so thank you very much


Fati, Chair El Hamra Middle School Marrakech 

“Radijojo is like oxygen”


Laila B., educator 

Seit September 2012 bin ich Mitglied in der “Alumni-Denkfabrik” initiiert vom Goethe Institut und dem ONline-Portal “Alumniportal Deutschland” (http://www.alumniportal-deutschland.org/), einem THink Tank, der sich mit den Einflüssen von Kultur und Bildung auf die Entwicklung des Landes beschäftigt. Bereits vergangenes Jahr bin ich im Laufe meiner Recherche auf Radijojo aufmerksam geworden und finde ihr Programm wirklich großartig.


Isabel Eddouks, Marokko


Students from Chair El Hamra Middle School Marrakech: 

We are very happy to be here with you and thank you so much for this initiative.
I really like this workshop because it is all about the media of children.Thank you so much for all the team who has taught us many new things about Media and gave us the opportunity to express our opinions;We benefit a lot and we learn how we can use the Media positively, also we learned from the experience of Fatima that made us courage to do many things.


Student, Salah Eddin alayoubi highschool Marrakech

radijojo is wonderful experience because it help us to learn how we can connect with many different people  around the world and  know about their culture, the thing that allowed us to be more open-minded on the other cultures. hope you repeat this experience again.



peace, tolerance,education, freedom…..  are some of our rights, we learned from radijojo how we can talk about those rights on behalf of all the children of Morocco and to make our voice heard around the world in a safely way by sharing our talents… drawings, songs, that was the best way to live in peace  ;)



Hi i’d like to thank Thomas and Nicole because they give me the chance to say that to all the people and specially to the Global Experts of UN AOC thank you  for every thing you gave to us…. :)



I was so honored and pleased to be one of the supervisors of those activities and if there are other activities i would like to participate and give help because it is really interesting that we can expresses own opinion about our right by sharing music and drawings….. i truly like this idea thank you Radijojo… good job guys



In our workshop with radijojo we spook about many problems we live every day such as poverty, lack of school, drop-out-school, women’s right, peace in the Arabic wold (Gaza)…and we discussed how we can create some solutions, hereby radijojo gave us some solutions about how we can deal with those problems such as share it withe the other people around the world lock it up in the web singing it, draw it … so many thanks to radijojo staff, and i hope you will repeat the same expirience with other children.


Student, Salah Eddine Alayoubi high school

I really enjoyed the workshops they were very  helpful for as because they gives us the opportunity to express our opinion and talk about our problems… thank you so much!


Student, Salah Eddine Alayoubi high school

Am very happy to join this workshop and I benefit a lot how can I use the multimedia to improve our educational system and that’s actually what we need in Morocco… thank soo  much radijojo.



I appreciate this initiative because it is very helpful  for the children. I also learned more about connecting children around the world, and using the media to come up with some solutions for our community.



this idea of using media as a sort of education it is really such as a good idea but we still have problems in morocco about this,even thought radijojo  gave  as easy solutions like using some websites that can help the Moroccan educational system, and we hope more workshops about this issue.



firstly i want to thanks radijojo children’s network about this amazing workshop, and i see that if we just start from the children grew their dreams and give them the chance to express their opinions and their talents, is the more helpful thing to create a better world to them and this is one of what radijojo do for children, so keep on and best wishes for you guys :).


Khadija,  Educator, Taroudant

I am very proud to be with you in this experience, and am very happy to participate in this workshop because this kind of activities help us to develop the diversity competences and talents of the children so that can develop them to get more communication with the other children and rise the cultural exchange around the world by using simple devices…. many thanks for you


Elmaki, Teacher, Taroudant

This is the first time i attend such as workshop in Taroudant, I benefit a lots specially about using the internet as mean of communication to develop our community, i also admire by the work you have done with the children,also thank you for the advices you gave to as,  i hope you come back here again. Thank you so much


Mohammed, Taroudant

I would like to thank you very much for the great job you have done during for Ahli children i think that was very interesting experience for the children that help them learn new thing related to education, environment,peace, i hope that kind of workshop last for ever in order to help the children improve them selves,and thank youu very much.


Mariam, Teacher from Ourika school

we are very happy to be here with you in this workshop, and insha allah we can do more great work with radijojo in the future, because I also work with children and we need to know more about such activities we are very interesting by this workshops .Thank you very much.


Brahim (Ourika village)

we are very happy, we did an amazing change in our school in Ourika the kids were very excited and happy, we hope you will visit us again and we will very happy if we keep in toutch with you. Merci bouceaup.


Educator from Ourika village.

ggoooooooooooooooooood lamya


Hafssa Loubna, Salah Eddin Alayoubi highschool Marrakech

“many thanks for radijojo that help us to talk about our problems and show our talents, and all what I wish is to heal all the problems we have and live in peace, and i want this experience to be in all the school of the would to give as the opportunity to share and know more about the other children  world, Thank youuu.



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