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The Radijojo Academy




In 2007 we established the Radijojo Academy for our work in the field of lifelong learning. With its cross-media editors, graphic designers, media educators, international project and media managers, the Radijojo Academy combines the knowledge, experience and know-how spanning 15 years of successful and award-winning international media, media-pedagogical and intercultural work as well as international project management.

Examples of the Academy’s educational work:

2019-2020 "Fundraising Education Program for Moroccan Women" (FEPMW) - A project to strengthen and network female activists in rural areas as well as the augmentation of their creative involvement in the community and society.
2016-17 "Salam Aleikum - Kids News for Peace and Development" - an educational children's media project with a focus on online school magazines, with a total of 10 workshops each for students and teachers at public schools in the Marrakech-Tensif-Al Haouz region. The project was funded by the Foreign Office.
2015-16   "Civic Education Partnership Germany - Morocco" - a Radijojo project as part of the German-Moroccan transformation partnership to strengthen Moroccan civil society. A total of fifteen 10-day workshops and follow-up sessions were conducted in villages in the Marrakech-Tensif-Al Haouz region. The project was funded by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations with funds from the Foreign Office.
2014 Public exhibition: Presentation of our international media education work at the headquarters of the European Commission Representation at Pariser Platz in Berlin.
2013 Participation in the Global Education Conference 2013 with a session on the topic: "How to participate in one of the world's best (and non-profit!) global learning media networks".
2012-14 "Nous sommes le futur du Maroc" - educational children's media project with a focus on radio features, with a total of 16 workshops for both students and teachers at public schools. The project was funded by the Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations with funds from the Foreign Office.
2012 Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum 2012 - Radijojo Workshop: Use of Civil Society Media as Tools for Development, Education and Participation, Bonn/ Germany.
2011 At the invitation of the World Forum of Public Broadcasting in Guadalajara/Mexico: a lecture on non-profit and intercultural children's media work.
2010 World Summit on Media for Children and Youth - Radijojo Workshop "Giving Children a Voice - Worldwide", Karlstad, Schweden.
2010 Radijojo editor-in-chief Thomas Röhlinger gives a seminar at the Freie Universität (Berlin) in the "European Master of Children's Rights" course, which uses Radijojo as an example to address the active use of non-commercial media in the context of participation and children's rights.
2009 Radijojo presents its children's media work as a best practice example at the UNESCO specialist conference of the countries of the sub-Saharan region on the topic of community media (Windhoek/Namibia);
at the SIGNIS World Congress "Media for a Culture of Peace & Children's Rights" (Chiangmai/ Thailand) and at the Children and Media Conference of the Federal Agency for Civic Education
2009   ""Strengthening Civil Rights and European Citizenship: Radio Production for Kids and Young People as a Choice for Adults", a seven-day workshop funded by the EU education program for lifelong learning, Grundvig program, at the workshop location Berlin with participants from the European Union.


Impressions from the “Civic Education Partnership Germany - Morocco“ workshops 2015 - 2016:

Tamansourt 2015:

Tamansourt 2015:

Saada 2015:

Amlouki 2015:

Amlouki 2015:

Sidi Boutmane 2015:

Sidi Boutmane 2015:

Loudaya 2016:

Loudaya 2016:

Presentation of our work in Morocco to Mr. El Krimi, Regional Director + Representative of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training Morocco, 2016:

Presentation of our work in Morocco at the National Forum of Parents' Associations, Marrakech 2017:

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