We're Ella, Valerie, Marika, Hanna, Samuel, Ken and Jeremy, the Radijojo Holiday Reporters!
At 38 degrees Celcius we are on our way to the German Bundestag. Politicians meet in the German Bundestag, talk about important things and pass laws. Politics is not only made for adults, but also for children. They should be taken into account in all decisions. Children also have special needs and rights. These are recorded in the children's rights. There is an extra Commission for Children, the Kinderkommission - or in short: Kiko, so that children don't get neglected in politics.
Daniel Föst has supervened, who is also a member of the KiKo and comes from the FDP party.
He explains to us that you don't necessarily need your own email address to write a message to the Kinderkommission as a child. This can also be done by letter and will definitely arrive.
The Children's Commission for children and young people can not pass its own laws but instead can make suggestions as to what should be changed or improved for children. That will then be discussed in the Bundestag and maybe there will be a new law.
You can hear all the questions and answers in the audio record (top of the page). Just click on it. Here you will find explanations as to why children shouldn't have school additionally on weekends and which topics are particularly important to the individual members of the children's committee.
Here you see us once again. We sweated quite a lot. But not due to the politicians we met, but because it was way too hot outside.
So, if you have an idea on how to improve things for children or if you have an issue that affects many children or young people, feel free to contact the KiKo and explain it to them.
You can find more information and the address here: