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  Dr. Angela Merkel, patroness of our European projects - EUCHIRA
Daniel Barenboim, patron of our German projects - Radijojo
2016 Award by the Mayor of Marrakech for our work in the field of civic education and the culture of peace in the region
2014 UNESCO - World Decade of the United Nations 2005-2014 - "Education for Sustainable Development", official World Decade Project of the 2014 / 2013 / 2013 und 2010 / 2011
2014 Anna Lindh Foundation, Euro-Med Dialogue Award, Neapel: Top 3 Project Candidate
2013 UNAOC, 5th Global Forum Wien, 1st prize in category "Freedom of Media Matters", Photo Contest
2013 Children's Media Award of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, Berlin
2012 WSYA - World Summit Youth Award 2012, Montreal
2012 "Goldene Göre" 2012, award of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk and the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
2012 University of Massachusetts, The Communication for Sustainable Change Award 2012 for Radijojo founder and editor in chief Thomas Röhlinger
2012 SBN International & Indigenous Youth Award; International Winner under 13: Radijojo-Reporter Mina Wilden
2012 Alternative Media Prize 2012, Nürnberger Medienakademie
2011 Member of the UNAOC - World intercultural Facility for Innovation (wifi)
2011 "Bildungsidee 2011 / 2012", Award of Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Berlin
2010 Development Policy Media Prize of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
2010 UNICEF New York - icdb Regional Award
2019 UNICEF New York - icdb Regional Award
2009 EU commission and internews - "media and diversity" 2009
2008 Federal President of Germany, Horst Köhler - “Germany - Land of Ideas“ award


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