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Le futur du Maroc05/04/2014

Radio Bridge Other Morocco Germany

We reach out to Germany: On-air at Radio Blau in Leipzig!

Woohoo! Another fantastic international radio adventure!

1 o’clock Sunday afternoon: Radijojo’s junior producers Fatima and Conni go live on-air at Radio Blau in the town of Leipzig in Germany. Radio Blau? That’s a civil society driven community radio in one of Germany’s largest cities. Conni is volunteering at Radio Blau in the show “Weltempfaenger” (=”world receiver”) which is a show made by a group of University students studying Social and Cultural Anthropology in Leipzig.

Conni and Fatima are directly connected via Skype to Lena, the host of the radio show. They report about their experiences with Radijojo in Morocco. They present highlights of the latest workshop in Marrakech, talk about the achievements of the children. And they share a brandnew example: Ahlam’s report about her work as president of the children’s parliament at Chair El Hamra middle school is on the airwaves of Germany! Incredible….

Many thanks to Radio Blau and to the crew of the “Weltempfaenger” radio for this intercultural radio bridge from Germany to the Maghreb!

If you want to read more about the students programme “Weltempfaenger”, have a look on the Blog:

And this is the link to Leipzig’s great community Radio Station Radio Blau:



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